Sunday, 7 June 2009


A new project has started with the Alder Road group, mapping of places to go or hang around in the past and present, it is the start of a social history project. Large maps of Belper are being used to identify places, written stories are being produced to go with the maps. Really it is carrying on with the Clued Up project - who was the most street wise in their youth - just adding another angle to it. It will also be part of the film project “image of youth over the years”.
It is such good fun listening to what the elderly people got up to - it really entertains the young people, but it also shows the young people that who they see as old were not so different from themselves in their day.
We are planning a summer film project to be based at Chatsworth House during a week over summer – dates to be confirmed. This would be a wonderful backdrop for social history project material. The idea is to book transport and take picnic lunches along with elderly people and young people.
We need as many stories as possible so please forward anything to us especially if its relevant to Belper.

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