Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Training the Safer Neighbourhood Team

Myself and Gill Clarke (Derbyshire Intergenerational Strategy) have spend 2 afternoons doing a presentation to the police safer neighbourhood teams at County Hall Matlock. It was to promote Intergenerational work and show the positive outcomes within communities. I used the knife crime project and games nights as the main examples, especially the outcome that the older and younger people now speak to eachother in the street or on the estate - a good positive result.

Holbrook Village Fete

The Drop Inn held a stall at the event on Saturday 13th June in the sunshine. The day was a real success, it was aimed at publicity for the Drop Inn and Linking Lives. 7 young people from the Drop Inn attended helping out and talking to older people,6 older people from the Linking Lives project attended and enjoyed the day.

Sunday, 7 June 2009


HOLBROOK VILLAGE FETE – Saturday 13th June 2009
Holbrook village fete, this is promotional for both Linking Lives and The Drop Inn. Young and Older people from the projects will be attending – we will provide transport as required. Our stall will have bric a brac, leaflets, and promotional material.


A new project has started with the Alder Road group, mapping of places to go or hang around in the past and present, it is the start of a social history project. Large maps of Belper are being used to identify places, written stories are being produced to go with the maps. Really it is carrying on with the Clued Up project - who was the most street wise in their youth - just adding another angle to it. It will also be part of the film project “image of youth over the years”.
It is such good fun listening to what the elderly people got up to - it really entertains the young people, but it also shows the young people that who they see as old were not so different from themselves in their day.
We are planning a summer film project to be based at Chatsworth House during a week over summer – dates to be confirmed. This would be a wonderful backdrop for social history project material. The idea is to book transport and take picnic lunches along with elderly people and young people.
We need as many stories as possible so please forward anything to us especially if its relevant to Belper.


This event was also the launch of the Belper Intergenerational Knife Crime Project. A lot of work went into the planning and preparation for this event. It was fully supported by the police, neighbourhood watch, Safer Neighbourhoods and DIgS (Derbyshire County Council Intergenerational Strategy).
Surveys were sent out to different groups around perception of knife crime with a 70% return which we were well pleased with. On the day a large display of the results was unveiled after a speech by Councillor Anne Western (Derbyshire County Council Minister for Children and Young Peoples Services). Stands were provided by DIgS (DCC intergenerational strategy) Police Task Force (Knife Arch) & Dog Handler, Safer Neighbourhoods, Neighbourhood Watch, & V involved.
The young people had designed quiz sheets around text speak – the older people had to translate the text by asking young people for help. The older people had designed a quiz for young people based on old Belper, the young people had to ask older people for help. The activity caused much chatter and laughing between the groups. The Nintendo Wii was set up – the young challenged the older people to games, also the Jam Jar (music room) was open and groups were encouraged to have a mess about with the equipment.
15 young people from BELPER SCHOOL who helped in every way, especially socialising with the elderly people attending.
12 elderly people from the ALDER ROAD group (target estate)
60 officials and guests signed in, including;
3 Derbyshire County Councillors,
3 heads of departments Derbyshire County Council
Representatives from;
National Youth Agency
Amber Valley Borough Council
Holbrook Parish Council
Methodist Circuit
Derbyshire Constabulary (various departments)
Beth Johnson Foundation (National Intergenerational Organisation)
English Churches (Housing)
Press officers
Endeavour Training
Rotary Club
8 trustees; THE DROP INN

Buffet lunch was provided by the Welcome Tavern, Liza did an amazing job at very short notice (24 hours).
The whole day was a total success in terms of socialising between the generations and publicity which came out of it. National Youth Agency want to use the Knife Crime Project as a pilot – so do the Beth Johnson Foundation, our whole profile is looking good.
Full report of the research and the day its self has been produced.


Originally the idea for this came from the Drop Inn to be used for the young members there, it was decided to make it into an intergenerational project so the questionnaires were redesigned to go out to elderly people and professionals too. After collating information THE gathered, results were published and unveiled at the European Day of Solidarity Between the Generations. We are still looking into what we want to do with the results – ie make a film, produce a leaflet or do a performance, all generations are giving ideas at present and will take part in what is decided upon.


Weekly meetings with Alder Road group are still happening and successful (target estate) some good bonds being made. Whenever possible I take a young person or 2 to socialise. This can happen more frequent Ddue to GCSE leave and exams finishing, also over the school holidays there are young people interested in joining in – we will plan some specific activities for some of these days.


2 more games nights have happened at the Welcome Tavern, supper was provided by Liza at the Welcome. Groups of older people from Parks Estate and young people played dominoes and cards and generally socialised. Feedback from the older people was very positive again – they have asked for a board games night next, this is to be arranged – I am looking at holding the event at Alder Road Community Centre for a change (and to fit in with ideas of expanding the project) I am aiming to make this an ongoing games club to be sustainable after the end of Linking Lives project. Both generations are getting on very well and have said they speak to each other when they meet in the town or on the streets. A positive outcome.