Friday, 26 December 2008

Working Groups

The groups we have connected with up to December 2008 are; The Cottage Project (Town Centre), The Thursday Group (Town Centre), Thorntons Field Dog Walkers (Town Centre). Although these groups are classed as Town Centre groups - the members/participans are residents from the 2 target estates.
Sure Start group - this is based on the Parks Estate (target area) and was unheard of until the beginning of November, they have become on of the core groups to work with. This is expanding to the two public houses on the Parks Estate which will include the elderly male population in a better way, the meeting groups are predominantly female.
In the New Year we will be strengthening these links, running outings and visits as well as continuing with the research and discussion projects as these sessions get the generations talking and understanding eachother. We will also be working to make links more directly with groups on the Whitemoor Estate (target area) from Spring.

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