Monday, 2 February 2009

Welcome Tradition

After meeting with the older peoples group on Alder Road - one of the target areas - we arranged a games night at the local public house - The Welcome Tavern. Liza and Dave the Landlady and Landlord were very supportive and keen to get involved as a community project. This turned out to be the perfect venue as it is in the centre of the estate we are targeting so involves older residents who do not attend the Wednesday sessions. Liza provided a pie and pea supper (also sandwiches) as traditional refreshments. 8 young people took part in traditional games with the older people, all were very well behaved and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. 4 staff members were in attendance and enjoyed it as much as everyone else. Jake - one of our young people - was totally obsessed with domino's. Non of the young people had seen bagatelle before either so it was most entertaining. We also took round questionnaires to do with knife crime to help with the research on a project we are running and including in the linking lives project.
A really successful evening, a big thank you to all who took part and especially to the Welcome Tavern for hosting the evening - we will be back in the near future for more joint activities. Due to the success we are hoping to repeat the sessions at least once a month.